What makes us special
coming soon: duoH
coming soon: duoV
We promote diversity in our teams
internal skills
We currently have
Trasis technology diagnoses or treats more than
3.5 million
patients a year
What happened in
20 years
Jean-Luc Morelle designs the very first radio-synthesizer to combine high-yield synthesis and GMP and creates “Coincidence Technologies”
Gauthier Philippart joins Coincidence Technologies in 1999. Two years later, General Electric aquires Coincidence Technology
Morelle and Philippart establish Trasis to pursue innovation and develop their ideas.
The company’s ground-breaking Unidose, a dose dispenser, becomes the first Trasis product to be sold, soon followed by the “Quickfill” dispenser.
After having demonstrated [F18]FDG synthesis on microchips at multicurie levels, Trasis launches its AllinOne synthesizer, a universal plateform to develop and produce any radiotracers for routine production as well as for R&D
This scaled-down version of AllinOne is dedicated to simple processes. It is mainly used for radiometal labelling and target reprocessing.
Trasis prepares the technical part of the FDOPA application of a partnering company applying for their Marketing Authorization.
Intended for the flexible production of small batches of synthesizer consumables, for early-stage trials on request of research customers. It has since then been extended to medium scale for routine productions.
Trasis reaches 50 employees.
Dedicated to radiometal labelling in hospitals, EasyOne might well be the smallest commercial synthesizer worldwide.
Trasis reaches 230 employee! More to come!